イタリア・ミラノで行われた世界最大級の国際デザインコンペティション「A’ Design Award & Competition 2023」(エーダッシュデザインアワード&コンペティション2023)のIndustrial Design Category(インダストリアルデザイン部門)にて「Kids Lighting 4-Petals Flower」が「Iron賞(アイアン賞)」を受賞した事をご報告いたします。
Kids Lighting 4-Petals Flower
プロダクトデザイン:大竹ひとみ/株式会社DESIGN Iris
We are pleased to announce that "Kids Lighting 4-Petals Flower" won the "Iron Award" in the Industrial Design Category of "A' Design Award & Competition 2023," one of the world's largest international design competitions held in Milan, Italy.
This award is a result of our collaboration with Olympia Lighting Fixtures Industries,Ltd., our client, who created a wonderful product with the technical skills of their craftsmen. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved.
Kids Lighting 4-Petals Flower
Product Design: Hitomi Otake / DESIGN Iris Co., Ltd.
Client/Manufacturer/Sales: Olympia Lighting Fixtures Industries,Ltd.